Frequently Asked Questions

ArminLabs is certified by the German Accreditation Board DAkks, international accreditation no. DIN EN ISO 15189:2014. Our accreditation certificate
An overview of the offered tests can be found in our Schedule of Services.
We do not carry out any in-house tests of our own design. Every test we perform is commercially available, certified and validated internally by ArminLabs and externally by the test producers. For every test a positive and a negative control is always being performed to check for influencing factors.

ArminLabs has developed checklists for Lyme and co-infections to offer a free preanalytic tool for patients and health specialists/physicians. These checklists help to decide which tests are necessary. This enables users to increase the outcome and reduce costs.
In the event of a complicated medical history the patient or his health professional are invited to discuss with us whether it is advisable to add further tests relating to immunology, rheumatology and co-infections.
ArminLabs does not run any in-house tests of its own design, and is in constant exchange with the test producers on improving test performance and reducing any test limitations.

The producer of all EliSpot tests did a study with around 400 samples to figure out whether the additional VlsE and p41i are good parameters for interferon gamma release assay. VlsE is a good marker for serological tests, but it turned out that there is almost no response in interferon gamma testing. p41i is also a good serological marker, but it’s not a specific marker. p41i is also contained in the lysate of the Borrelia burgdorferi Full antigen. There is no scientific evidence for the higher accuracy of the so-called “Elispot 2” compared to the Elispot. In our opinion the higher price is not justified and does not provide any benefit to the patient.
Manufacturer’s statement:
"[…] 409 patients suspected for or with reported tick bite(s) in the past were tested for reactive T-cells after stimulation with Borrelia antigens […]
For the evaluation, positive donors in different disease stages were tested with individual proteins / peptides for published or known epitopes. The amount of T-cells which secrete IFNg after stimulation with VlsE and Bmp is low or practically non-existent. […] Although the Borrelia proteins VlsE, Bmp and p41 are well established and show a good concordance with the clinical picture in serological tests like ELISA or Western Blot, their potential to activate specific T-cells in the EliSpot is relatively low. Based on our studies and collaborations with external diagnostic laboratories, the overall results show that beside the Borrelia lysate the native OspC and the recombinant DbpA used are the most efficient activators for Borrelia specific T-cells."

Currently valid are the Versions 17.0.

Please realize that we needed to update some of our test-prices. If you have any older testkits please contact us. We will then email the new pricelist to you.
All testkits received in our laboratory that contain older pricelist versions (16.0,15.0,14.0,...), need to be charged with the new prices.
Thank you for your understanding.

Please contact our team and we will gladly email the ArminLabs Test Order Form to you. If you do not have a testkit yet and would like to order tests, please ask our team for it.



  • Maandag - Woensdag:
    08:00 - 12:00 ; 12:30 - 16:30
  • Donderdag:
    08:00 - 12:00 ; 12:30 - 16.30
  • Vrijdag:
    08:00 - 12:00 ; 12:30 - 15:30
  • Zaterdag, Zondag:
  • Tijd in Duitsland: Samstag, 08:04