The more joy we bring to others,
the more joy returns
to our own heart.

To give pleasure, we renounce this year on gifts
and donate to the foundation "Bunter Kreis" in Augsburg.
Have a nice Christmas time.

The more joy we bring to others,
the more joy returns
to our own heart.

Добро пожаловать в нашу Лабораторию!

Арминлабс – это лаборатория специализирующаяся на диагностике инфекций.
Мы предлагаем услуги по диагностике для докторов, натуропатов и пациентов со всего мира.

How to ship your testkit to ArminLabs with UPS

Please contact us to order a testkit for the blooddraw.
After you've received the testkit we recommend using the internet-based UPS platform to order a UPS pickup.
If your testkit does not contain a UPS Shipment Waybill, please contact us some days before getting your blood drawn. In this case we will create your UPS Shipment Waybill and email it back, so that you can print it.